SnookerQ Version 0.1.197

Release Date: 20 February 2022

Tournaments are here!

Take part in automated tournaments that run every few hours.

SnookerQ Tournaments

Please note: This is only the first version of the tournaments feature. Currently, we're only running basic knockout tournaments but in future releases we will add more tournament variations, such as doubles, teams, groups, leagues and so much more.

Upcoming tourney widget.

Stay updated with upcoming tournaments thanks to the tournament widget. Get instant entry by clicking on the "Join" button.

Tournament Widget Box

New tournament lobby top-stats board.

Tournament Top Stats Board

New web pages.

Main Tournaments Web Page:

View the list of active, upcoming and completed tournaments.

SnookerQ Tournaments

Tournament Details Web Page:

Get a detailed breakdown of a tournament by clicking the "Details" button.

Tournament Details

Join Tournament Web Page:

Join/leave a tournament by simply entering your username and password in the join form.

Join Tournaments

Standings Web Page:

View the knockouts stage here with popup match details for live/completed matches.

Tournament Standings
Match Details

Tournament Stats Web Page:

View the top performers from the tournaments.

Tournament Stats

Switch lobbies tab.

Switch between lobbies by selecting this tab and double-clicking on the lobby you wish to change to.

Change Lobbies

Qash box.

Earn virtual cash by collecting Qash from the Qash Box when it opens every 30 minutes. This will ensure that you have enough funds to pay entry fees for tournaments and regular matches.

Qash Box

POV for spectators.

Have you ever wondered what ball your opponent is going for? Now, you can switch to POV mode whilst your opponent is aiming, to see their point-of-view. The easiest way to access the POV is to press the spacebar. You can also press the "POV" button to toggle the views.

Spectators POV View

Report abuse.

If you ever come across inapropriate behaviour or abuse, click on that Report button to notify the moderators. Recent chat records will be saved to help the mods investigate the incident. The events of a report will not be made public. This means that an abuser will not know he has been reported until a moderator gets in touch.

At the table:

Report Table Chat

In the lobby:

Report Lobby Chat


- The chat scroll at the table will not stop when switching to the "More" tab or when resizing the bottom box.

- Chat notice for 3 miss rule warning.

- Thinnest ball contact will play a low sound.

- Extra badges order fixed.

- Tooltips in the people window now function properly.

- Cue no longer spins around wildly when opponent is aiming.

Update Notes For Previous Version