Demon Account - Content Shortcuts

Who is the Demon?

The Demon is a dark and evil force that haunts the lobbies for pleasure. He has stolen some goods from the SnookerQ Headquarters and we need someone to step up and take the stolen loot from him. Whoever beats the Demon gets to keep the loot, but be warned, the Demon has special powers to aid him during the matches.

What special powers does he have?

Unfortunately, we don't have enough information about that yet.

When does he appear?

The Demon can show up at any time, so make sure you keep an eye out for him. When he comes online, a system message will be displayed in the chat box alerting you of his presence.

How can I play against the Demon?

You'll have to wait for the Demon to join a table where you can go and join the waiting list.

To join the waiting list, simply head over to the Demon's table and click on the green "JOIN LIST" button:

From here, you can also check to see who else is on the waiting list by clicking on the "VIEW WAITING LIST" link. You can leave the table or log off, and your username will remain on the waiting list.

When it's your turn, the Demon will invite you and wait for 2 minutes for you to show up. If you do not accept the invitation within the given 2 minutes, the Demon will remove you from the waiting list and invite the next person.

You can only play against the Demon once a day, so make the most of your chances!

What do you get for beating the Demon?

  • Unlock the Demon Cue in the Cue Store
  • 20 Rating Points
  • $5,000 Virtual Qash
  • Demon Emoji
  • 4 x Red Cue Parts
  • 2 x Yellow Cue Parts
  • 1 x Green Cue Parts

If you lose to the Demon, you will not lose any points.

How can I beat the Demon?

Well, it's a really tough task. We've never done it so we can't really give you a straight up answer. We're sure there's a way, though! Figure out a good strategy to work your way around the Demon powers, but you'll also need all the luck in the world!

If you try anything cheeky with the Demon, he'll kick you from the match. He doesn't have feelings, after all.

Good luck!


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